frédérick bousquet
38 YO
Swimming / Public speaker
A committed man and athlete
After an exceptional career in swimming, highlighted by 43 international medals and a participation to 4 Olympic Games, Frédérick Bousquet has naturally become one of the greatest male athlete in France.
As a member of the prestigious Swimming Club in Marseille, he has also proven being a loyal and trustworthy teammate with strong human values. His discipline, abnegation, charisma and respect have participated to build his reputation.
Frédérick is now sharing his experience and knowledge at conferences to speak about the synergies and the connection between sport and corporate success. While many athletes have also become public speakers, Frédérick brings a different approach by speaking joinely with Thomas Sammut, mental trainer.
As a father, Frédérick has also decided to support as much as he can his charity, Graines de Joie, helping children in distress around the globe - Romania, Brazil, Burkina Faso, France.